Ways to Make a Gift

Check/Credit Card

Your contribution can be made by check to Clelian Heights at any time. Or, charged to your MasterCard, Visa, or Discover card by contacting Lori Saenz, Donor Data Specialist, in our Mission Advancement office at 724-837-8120 ext. 132. If you prefer to mail a donation the form is available here.

Estate Gifts

There are many ways to make an estate gift. Please contact your tax advisor or estate planning professional to determine which is best for you. The most common type of estate gift is a bequest, which can be for a specific amount or percentage of your estate, or a residual amount which is determined after your loved ones have been taken care of. Other types of planned gifts include life insurance, securities, savings bonds, closely held stock, and retirement plans. For more information please contact our Director of Mission Advancement, Sister Benjamin Merlotti, ASCJ at 724-837-8120 ext. 123

Life Insurance

Supporters may choose to designate Clelian Heights as the beneficiary of all or a portion of their life insurance policy. You can ultimately make a gift that is larger than its cost while taking advantage of tax break opportunities.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds, or DAFs for short, are a great way to make a charitable gift. A DAF is essentially a “giving account” established with a public charity, allowing for immediate tax deductions and gives the donor the ability to recommend grants from the fund.

How does it work?

– First, you open an account with a financial institution that has a DAF program (such as Fidelity or Charles Schwab). You may contribute cash, appreciated assets, or investments.

– Second, invest your assets with the help of your investment provider.

– Third, recommend grants to a recognized 501(c)3 charitable organization, such as Clelian Heights School.

Why is a DAF a good idea?

Having a Donor Advised Fund allows you to be intentional about your charitable giving. The money is already set aside for the purpose of giving it away and making a difference in the lives of others.

Thank you for the generous support you already share with Clelian Heights. When you make a gift to us, you directly impact the lives of children and adults with development disabilites and their families now, and in the future.

Matching Gifts

Many donors take the opportunity to double their gift through their employers matching gift program for charitable donations made by their employees. If you work for a matching gift company, be sure to complete the necessary paperwork and mail it with your gift to increase the total amount of your donation.

Honorary Gifts

Make a contribution to Clelian Heights in honor of a friend or loved one. The person honored will receive notice of this gift (the donation amount is not included in the letter). The donor will receive an acknowledgement confirming the gift as well. A wonderful opportunity to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, in lieu of Christmas gifts, for Mothers Day and Fathers Day, or any special occasion you wish to recognize.

Endowment Gifts

Make a large one-time contribution or a long-term pledged gift to the Endowment Fund to secure the future of our children. This can be designated toward an Educator Gift, Millennium Gift or a Named Scholarship. Donors are listed by name on the Donor Endowment Board according to recognition levels. Gifts to the Endowment may be made in any amount and are professionally invested to insure long-term growth.

Memorial Gifts

Remember the memory of a deceased love one by requesting in the obituary that memorial donations be made to Clelian Heights, or make a personal memorial gift at the time of the death of a loved one. Clelian Heights Memorial cards are available for this. They can be provided to the funeral home at your request. A Memorial Board outside the chapel recognizes those for whom a significant donation has been given.

A Memorial Gift is another way to provide comfort to any surviving family with a deceased loved one. Your gift shows your support during their time of loss. The family will receive a card regarding this gift (a donation amount is not listed) and the donor will receive a confirmation of the gift as well.

United Way

For United Way donor participants, select Clelian Heights’ Donor Choice #403 and include our address: 135 Clelian Heights Lane, Greensburg, PA 15601