Transition to Work

Clelian Heights School provides Transition-to-Work classes for our students 14-21 years of age. It begins with pre-vocational training in our Transition-to Work classroom and incorporates job training on site as well as in the community. In these classes students explore:
- A variety of jobs
- Job skills instruction
- Preparation for the application and interview process
- Instruction in the use of job materials and equipment
- Practice of appropriate work-related behaviors including interacting with co-workers, supervisors, and customers
- Real world experience in a variety of different work environments
Our students assist many non-profits, service groups, and businesses in the area communities as part of the Transition-to-Work program. These partnerships include:
- Churches of various faiths
- Food Banks
- Meals on Wheels
- Nursing facilities
- Offices
- Pet Shelters
- Public Libraries
- Restaurants
- Retail shops
- Retreat Centers
- Schools
- Thrift Stores
- Equestrian Boarding and Training Facility