Frequently Asked Questions
What are the ages that Clelian Heights accepts for its different programs?
Clelian Heights accepts students 5 to 21 years old for the school, and adults 18 and over for adult programs.
What teaching methods do you utilize?
Our teaching methods are eclectic. We use not one but a combined approach meeting the unique academic, social and personal needs of each student following his or her Individual Education Plans (IEP).
What do adults gain from your program?
Clelian Heights’ adult programs provide flexibility in services so that individual needs and tastes can be addressed as the adults change and mature in hopes and desires. Adults are able to find appropriate and meaningful work and activities at a variety of levels so that each adult feels that they are a contributing member of the community, that what they do makes a difference. They take great pride in their work and as dedicated employees they are thrilled when they see that what they do is appreciated.
There are many social and recreational opportunities available so that they can enjoy them with the friends that they have made at work. As they share social activities that interest them, their friendships with their co-workers deepen. This is typical socialization. Alumni are also invited to many of the social events.
Is your program year round?
Clelian Heights has an extended program. The school session runs from the end of August until the first week of June. The summer extended school year program typically runs for four weeks. The adult program follows the same schedule in addition to running three days per week (Tues.-Thurs.) during the weeks of June and August when the school session is on break (day session only).

Who funds placement?
Funding sources for your child’s school program may be covered by your school district. For adults funding can be located and secured through each adults’ supports coordinator through county Office of Developmental Services/Human Services, OVR, OBRA or I/DD Waivers. Contact the Principal or the Coordinator of Special Services for specifics regarding your funding options.
What are your rates?
Clelian Heights’ rates vary due to schedules, staffing, and programming needs of each individual.
What is the staff-to-consumer ratio?
Clelian Heights maintains a high staff to consumer ratio. Keeping in mind that ratios vary depending upon the individual needs of the children and adults, in the school program there is a faculty to student ratio of 1 to 1.3. In the adult program, there is a staff to client ratio of 1 to 7.5.
Is there a nurse?
Yes. There is a full time nurse.
Do you provide transportation?
Typically students enrolled in the school program are entitled to transportation through their school districts. Transportation for adults varies. Waiver contracted transportation providers are available as well as public transportation (Access). Some families prefer to transport privately.